Let’s Make Travel Goals Instead of Resolutions This Year!

It’s the start of a new year which means that people around the world have chosen resolutions. Though resolutions are great, they are usually temporary, and can be difficult to stick to. That’s why we suggest this year, instead of making resolutions, we all try to select some travel goals that we want to reach. Having travel goals is a wonderful way to start working toward the things that you’ve always wanted to do, and can be measured more easily than resolutions.

No matter if you’ve always wanted to visit your dream destination, become a more sustainable traveler, or have something entirely different in mind, setting goals can make all the difference. If you’re ready to start setting some travel aspirations for 2025 but aren’t sure where to begin, we have you covered. Keep reading for 10 inspiring travel goals that you may want to consider adding to your list this year.

1. Visit Your Dream Destination

Everyone has that one destination that they’ve always wanted to travel to, but have never gotten around to visiting. Well, why not make 2025 the year that you finally plan a trip to that destination? Sit down and make a plan to go there, and don’t stop until you’ve booked your plane ticket and accommodations. Life is too short to sit around and say, “maybe someday.” If you find that your dream destination is out of reach right now due to time constraints or financial reasons, write out a plan for how you can still reach your goal. Maybe instead of visiting that destination this year, you decide to budget and put money aside to travel there next year. As long as you’re working towards your goal, you’re doing a great job.

2. Learn a New Skill That You Can Utilize While Traveling

Learning a new skill that you can use while traveling allows you to get out of your comfort zone. Plus, you can then use what you learned and apply it to your travels. For example, if you plan on visiting a destination where they primarily speak a different language than your native tongue, make it a goal to learn that language, or, at the least, a few common words and phrases. Another skill you could learn is photography. There are so many wonderful opportunities to take photos while traveling, so you might as well learn how to take good photos that you can look back on for years to come.

3. Become a More Sustainable Traveler

Eco-friendly travel is becoming more popular, and for good reason. Taking care of our planet while exploring the world is so important, and something that we should all be more mindful of. If you want to become a more sustainable traveler, some things that you can do include supporting eco-friendly travel companies, offsetting your carbon footprint, using public transportation when possible, and bringing a reusable water bottle along with you. Making these simple changes can make a big impact, and you’ll feel great knowing that you’re doing your part. 

4. Create a Travel Bucket List

There are so many incredible things to do and see in the world that it can sometimes be difficult to decide what should be at the top of your list. This is why we recommend that you create a travel bucket list in 2025. To begin, sit down somewhere quiet and brainstorm all of the places you want to visit, the activities you want to partake in, and the landmarks that you want to see. There’s no limit to how many ideas you should write down during this inspiration session, so be sure to jot down anything (and everything) that comes to mind!

Then, once you’re done, take a look and choose 10-15 things that speak to you the most, and use those to create your travel bucket list. This bucket list will allow you to visualize everything that you want to do and see when it comes to travel, and you can work on completing this bucket list for as long as you need.

5. Check Your Travel Documents

Another goal we think that you may want to add to your list this year is to check your travel documents and confirm that they are still valid. Oftentimes people forget to check the validity of their passport, and come to find that they need to renew it before their trip. If you find that your passport is expired and your trip is just around the corner, there may still be time for you to renew your passport, especially if you choose to work with a reputable company like Swift. However, we suggest taking a look at your passport far in advance to ensure that you don’t run into any delays.

6. Go on a Road Trip

Flying is a very common form of transportation nowadays, but another fun way to travel that people sometimes overlook is taking a road trip. Road trips are such a unique way to see the world, and allow you to truly enjoy the journey. Try to plan a road trip as one of your goals this year. You can choose a destination that’s nearby or one that’s a little further away. The best part about road trips is that you can plan to stop at unique towns or landmarks along the way, seeing things that you might not otherwise get to experience.

7. Make a Scrapbook

While traveling, most of us will take photos using our phones. Though this is a fantastic way to capture memories, these photos typically will just sit on our phones, and become forgotten about. To ensure that these photos don’t get lost in the mix, why not print them out and make a scrapbook with them! Making individual scrapbooks for each of your vacations is so much fun, and allows you to look back at the incredible experiences you’ve had over the years.

8. Take a Solo Vacation

A travel goal that a lot of people have but are too afraid to try is to go on a solo vacation. We understand that the idea of traveling alone can be a little scary, but trust us when we tell you that it is one of the best ways to travel. You can wake up each day and choose exactly what you want to do, what you want to see, and even what you want to eat for dinner. Every decision you make is your choice, and you’ll get to learn so much about yourself along the way. 

If you want to try solo travel but are not sure where to start, we suggest that you go somewhere close to home for your first time. This will give you an idea of what traveling by yourself is like, all while knowing that you aren’t too far away from your comfort zone. Take a road trip to a nearby town and stay the weekend, or hop on a short flight and plan a few days away. Then, when you become more comfortable traveling alone, you can try going somewhere a little further away. Possibly even an international destination!

9. Reconnect With Nature

We all spend so much time on our digital devices that we start to become disconnected from nature. This is why it’s so important to take some time out this year, and set a goal for yourself to reconnect with all of the beauty that nature has to offer. For example, you could commit to going on a hike once a month, taking a camping trip, or you could go on a wellness retreat that has plenty of outdoor activities. No matter what you decide to do, we know that you’re going to love spending some time outdoors, and enjoying everything around you.

10. Take a Staycation

This last goal is one that we think everyone should consider adding to their list, as it allows you to explore your town and discover new things about it. Taking a staycation is a great idea, especially if you don’t have the time to travel far away from home. Set aside two days and plan out some fun activities that you can try around your city, and look for a new restaurant that you’ve never heard of before. You’ll be surprised how much there is to do and you may even stumble upon your new favorite place. Taking a staycation is always a good idea.

What travel goals from our list will you be trying to achieve this year? Further, what other travel goals do you have that weren’t on our list?

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