ETIAS Authorization Pushed Back to 2025

Many Americans who want to travel to Europe currently only need a passport and, depending on their purpose of travel, possibly a visa. But that will all change starting in 2025 when Americans must obtain travel authorization from the Europe Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) before traveling to the European Union (EU) or countries in the Schengen Area.

ETIAS was first introduced in 2016 but has yet to be implemented and has been pushed back numerous times. ETIAS authorization approval was supposed to be put into place by the end of 2024 but is now set to be put into place sometime in 2025. So, when exactly will ETIAS approval go into effect, and what could this mean for your travel plans? Here’s what we think you should know.

What is ETIAS Authorization?

Europe Travel Information and Authorisation System has been talked about for many years, with discussions about the topic starting in 2016. ETIAS authorization basically performs a security check on anyone looking to visit the EU or countries in the Schengen Area. It helps keep track of who is coming in and out of these countries to try and avoid letting anyone in who may be a threat.

When Will ETIAS Authorization be Implemented?

ETIAS authorization has been in the works for a long time and has been delayed many times over the years. ETIAS authorization was set to be put into place in 2024 but has once again been pushed back. And though we do not have an exact date and time as to when ETIAS authorization will go into effect, it is estimated that ETIAS authorization will be put into place sometime in 2025.

Why Was ETIAS Authorization Pushed Back to 2025?

ETIAS authorization has been delayed multiple times over the past few years, with it now being pushed back to 2025. Although there are many reasons why it keeps being pushed back, according to, some of the main reasons are technical difficulties (including software glitches), data privacy concerns, and needing to upgrade the security of the ETIAS system. These issues will hopefully be addressed so that ETIAS authorization can finally be implemented in 2025.

How Can I Get ETIAS Authorization?

Since ETIAS authorization isn’t in place yet, there’s no way to get ETIAS authorization right now. Unfortunately, we are not entirely sure when or where you’ll be able to apply for ETIAS authorization, but we will monitor the situation and inform you on how to get ETIAS authorization once we know more information.

Do I Need a Visa to Travel to Europe in 2024?

Many people are wondering if they will need to get a visa to enter Europe in 2024. Depending on where you’re going, how long you’re staying, and your purpose of travel, you may or may not need to obtain a visa to travel to Europe. For example, you will need to get a visa if you’ll be staying in Europe for longer than 90 days or if you are going to study abroad.

Do I Need a Passport to Visit Europe?

You will need to get a passport to travel to Europe. Fortunately, obtaining your passport with Swift is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin your application, complete the checkout process, and send in all of the required documents. Our team will then process your application and send your passport to you once it’s ready. No matter where you plan on going, we’ll get you there!

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