Driving with Kids Over the Holidays? Try These Road Games

If you’re one of the million Americans traveling during the holiday season, there’s a good chance you’ll be taking a road trip to get to your destination. And if you have children coming along for the ride, you know it can be hard to keep them entertained, especially if you’re driving a long distance. But there is a way to ensure that your little ones don’t keep asking you, “Are we there yet?” Play some fun games! 

There are plenty of fantastic games you can play while on the road that will amuse your family and make the ride go a whole lot smoother. Ready to learn more? Here are some of the best games you can play with your kids while driving to your holiday destination.

Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

Before embarking on your family holiday road trip, come up with a list of things you may see while driving to your destination, and write them down on a piece of paper for your children. Then, while you’re driving, have your kids try to find each item on the list and cross it off once they see it. Trust us, not only will this game keep your family entertained, but your kids will enjoy working together to complete their scavenger hunt list.

The License Plate Game

This next game is a classic, and maybe even one that you’ve played before. When driving, especially when going long distances, you are bound to see license plates from plenty of different states. So, why not try to find them all? Before leaving on your road trip, write down all 50 states on a piece of paper. Then, while you’re driving, see how many different license plates you can find on the way to your destination and on the way back from your destination.

20 Questions

One tried and true road trip classic is 20 questions (odds are, you probably have even played it before!). To start, have one person in your car think of a person, place, or thing. Then, the other people in the vehicle will have to try and guess what that person, place, or thing is. But be careful! The guessers can only ask 20 questions, and if they cannot guess what the other person is thinking of within those 20 questions, they lose!

What’s Your Favorite?

Get to know about your family’s favorite people, places, and things with this next game. One by one, go around and ask the other people in the car a question about some of their favorite things. For example, you could ask about their favorite color, food, vacation destination, animal, sport, celebrity, candy, etc. Not only will doing this help pass the time, but you’re sure to learn a lot about your family in the process.

Guess That Tune

Before heading out and hitting the open road, download Spotify on your phone and find a family-friendly playlist of songs that you and your kids may know. Then, while you’re driving, each time a new song comes up, it’s time to guess that tune! The first person to correctly guess the song gets one point, and the first person to guess who sings the song also gets a point. Keep track of your total points throughout the drive, and see who knows the most songs!

Road Trip Trivia

The last road trip game to make our list will help you learn some fun facts about the United States and the amazing road trip attractions located around the country. One at a time, take a card and read it aloud to everyone in the car. Then, work together to talk through the question and try to come up with the correct answer. Each time you get a question right, give yourselves a point! Keep guessing until you get 10 questions correct, and then start over!

We wish you all a safe and fun holiday season! We have loved working with all of you in 2023 and look forward to assisting you with your travel documents in the future. If you have any international travel plans in 2024 and need to get passports or visas for your family, we’d love to help! You can get the application process started by going to our website. If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to contact us. No matter where you plan on going, we’ll get you there!

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