Digital Passports: Ready to Travel Smarter?

Technology is always advancing, which means that the way we travel is constantly changing. For example, when you travel internationally, you must have a passport in order to enter your destination country. However, new technology could mean that we will soon no longer have to carry a physical passport, and can instead use a digital passport. So, when can we expect digital passports to come into play, and how could they change the way we travel? Read on to learn more.

What Are Digital Passports and How Will They Work? 

Currently, we use physical passports to travel from country to country. Passports ensure that travelers are who they say that they are, and make travel more secure. Although, physical passports do have some flaws that digital passports could potentially fix. A digital passport would mean that you no longer have to carry around a physical passport. Instead, airport security would be able to identify you by taking a scan of your face. Through this scan, they could see exactly who you are, and use that information to decide if you are allowed into the country or not. 

When Will Digital Passports Go Into Effect?

Though the idea of being able to use a digital passport is exciting, there is currently no telling whether or not digital passports will ever go into effect. Digital passports are simply an idea being thrown around at the moment, and there’s no telling if they will ever actually be used. No governments have stated that they are going to utilize digital passports, but that doesn’t mean that digital passports won’t be introduced to the public in the future.

Why Would a Country Use Digital Passports Over Physical Passports?

There are a number of reasons why countries around the world may choose to eventually switch to a digital passport security system. The first reason is that digital passports may be more secure than physical passports. Another reason that countries would switch to digital passports is because it could make it easier (and faster) for travelers to get through security checkpoints.

Are Digital Passports Secure?

Digital passports will likely only go into effect if it is found that they are completely safe and secure. Countries wouldn’t risk using digital passports if there were issues with them, especially if they could pose a risk to national security. Considering that digital passports aren’t currently being used, it’s hard to say what type of security digital passports would have. Overall, we would expect digital passports to have advanced security.

How Will Digital Passports Change Travel?

Digital passports would make a significant impact on the way we travel. For starters, if digital passports went into effect, you would most likely not have to worry about carrying around a physical passport. Another way that digital passports could change travel is that people may be able to get through security more quickly, because you would simply be able to have your face scanned rather than having to pull out your physical passport and show it to security.

What Are the Potential Risks of Digital Passports?

It’s hard to say what types of risks could come along with transitioning from physical passports to digital passports, considering that nothing like this has ever been done before. However, with any new technology comes some risks. Countries are going to have to do their best to assess the citation, and figure out what risks could come into play, and what they can do to eliminate or minimize these risks.

Will I Still Need a Physical Passport?

Depending on the country you’re traveling to, you may or may not still have to carry a physical passport around. Some countries require that you carry your passport around with you when exploring the country. In fact, law enforcement may ask to see your passport while you’re out and about. Another reason you may need to carry around your physical passport is as a backup in case your digital passport isn’t working properly. This way, you can still prove your identity and be able to enter your destination country. 

How Can I Prepare for the Digital Passport Transition?

As of now, there’s not much that you can do to prepare for the digital passport transition. There is no telling if digital passports will ever go into effect, which means that there is nothing for you to prepare for at the moment. The best thing that you can do to prepare for any upcoming international travel plans right now is to check your passport and make sure that it is still valid. If you find that your passport is expired or will be expiring within 6 months of your travel dates, you should work to renew your passport as soon as possible to ensure that you don’t run into any issues. 

How Can I Get a Physical Passport?

If you plan on taking an international trip and need a passport, we can help! The process is quick and easy, and before you know it, you’ll have your passport in hand. When you’re ready to fill out your passport application, visit our website. Here, you’ll be able to start your application, get a list of all the documentation you need to send in, and complete the checkout process. If you have any questions along the way, please contact a member of our knowledgeable team. We’d be happy to assist you! No matter where you plan on going, we’ll get you there!

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