Child Passport vs. Adult Passport: Key Differences

If you plan on traveling internationally with your family, you’ll need to ensure everyone has a valid passport. This includes both the adults and the little ones in your group. But it is important to know that there are many differences between child and adult passports, and you should be aware of these differences before applying for a passport for your child. Ready to get started? Here are some of the key differences between child passports and adult passports

Key Differences: Child Passports vs. Adult Passports

Passport Validity

One main difference between child passports and adult passports is how long they are valid. If a person is under the age of 16 when they apply for their passport, the passport will be valid for 5 years. If a person is 16 years of age or older when they apply for their passport, it will be valid for 10 years. If you find that your child’s passport will expire soon and they are a minor, they will need to apply for a new passport rather than a passport renewal.

Passport Application Process

The application process for a child passport and an adult passport is somewhat similar, but there are extra steps that you’ll need to take to obtain a passport for your child. For example, when applying for a child’s passport, you must ensure that both parents are present (in most cases) when getting your child’s documents executed at a passport acceptance facility. Another significant difference is that you will need to submit a copy of both parents’ valid photo IDs when applying for your child’s passport.

Passport Fees

Another difference between child and adult passports is the fees you’ll need to pay. Child passports are typically cheaper than adult passports, but the total costs and fees can change occasionally. If you want to know how much it currently costs to obtain a passport for your child, please visit our website or contact a member of our team to learn more.

Required Documents

You’ll need to obtain some additional documents when applying for a child’s passport that you wouldn’t need for an adult passport. For example, when applying for a passport for your child, you will need to get a photocopy of both parents’ valid photo IDs. It’s important to note that there may be other documents you’ll need to submit for your child’s passport, but these documents could vary. When you checkout, we will send you a complete list of documents that you will need to submit for your child.

Processing Times

One final key difference between child passports and adult passports is the processing times. Though you can expect an expedited child passport to take about as long as an expedited adult passport, it may take slightly longer to obtain a child passport in some cases. This is because both parents must be present at the passport acceptance agency, and you will need to get a copy of each parent’s valid photo ID.

How to Get a Child Passport

If you have an upcoming international trip and need to get a passport for your child, we can help! All you have to do is go to the Swift Passport and Visa Services website, start the application process, and before you know it, you’ll have your child’s passport in time for your trip. If you have any questions along the way, please contact us. No matter where you’re going, we’ll get you there!

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