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    Navigating Euro Travel Restrictions

    Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there have been a significant amount of Europe travel restrictions put into place. For a while, it seemed as if the borders would never reopen. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case! Americans can now travel to most European countries, with some new travel restrictions to Europe in place. If you’re one of the eager travelers who have begun booking their flights overseas, it’s crucial that you’re aware of what some of the main US travel restrictions to Europe are, what countries are open, and the rules that you’ll need to follow on arrival. Read on for everything you need to know about navigating Euro travel restrictions during the pandemic:

    What European Countries Are Open to US Citizens?

    Though many European countries are open to United States citizens, the European Union (EU) recently announced that it was removing the US from its safe countries list and is now strongly recommending that Americans be banned from nonessential travel to Europe (1). This recommendation was due to the surge in coronavirus cases across the US (2). Even though the EU recommended that Americans be banned from nonessential travel to Europe, it’s the job of each EU country to decide if they want to put the ban into place.

    You can stay updated with the complete list of European countries open to US citizens by going here.

    What Are the Travel Requirements for Open Countries?

    The travel requirements for open countries vary greatly depending on the country. Rules and restrictions are constantly changing, so you must stay up to date on all the new travel requirements for the country you plan on visiting.

    For example, as of August 31, 2021, some countries require that travelers quarantine on arrival, others require proof of vaccination, some countries require proof of a negative covid test, and some countries have no requirements for entry. To be safe, you should frequently check on the travel requirements for any country you’d like to travel to. 

    You can stay up to date with all of the travel requirements for open countries with this interactive map.

    How Is The New Variant Affecting Travel Restrictions?

    As new variants of covid arise, such as the Delta variant, you can expect to see changes in Europe travel restrictions. Travel rules and regulations are constantly changing. This is why it’s essential to research the country you plan on traveling to beforehand to ensure that you are up to date with the latest rules, restrictions, and news.

    As of August 30, 2021, the European Union (EU) has recommended that Americans should be banned from traveling to Europe for non-essential travel (1) due to the surge of covid cases in the United States (2). You can stay up to date with all the latest travel restrictions by country using this interactive map. It will inform you of each country’s travel restrictions and what you’ll need to do if you plan to travel to a specific country.

    How Can I Ensure I Stay Safe During My Trip?

    It’s crucial to your overall health and the health of those around you that you take precautions when traveling anywhere. You can do certain things to ensure that you stay as safe, happy, and healthy as possible while traveling during the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some of the precautions you should take during your trip:

    • Frequently wash or sanitize your hands
    • Disinfect your commonly used items
    • Stay six feet away from people whenever possible
    • Completely cover your nose and mouth with a mask when surrounded by people who are not in your household
    • Be respectful of others
    • Cough and sneeze into your elbow
    • Stay home if you aren’t feeling well

    Overall, use your best judgment while traveling and only do things that you feel comfortable with. If you don’t feel safe taking part in certain activities or traveling to specific areas due to covid, follow your gut.

    The most important thing you can do is stay in the know about any new travel restrictions to Europe so that you can stay safe and healthy while on your trip. If you have any questions about obtaining a passport or visa right now or are ready to start the application process, please don’t hesitate to contact us. One of our knowledgeable team members would be happy to help! If you plan on traveling soon, stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy the journey!


    1. Pokharel, S., Elamroussi, A., & Vandoorne, S. (2021, August 30). EU to recommend reinstating Covid-related travel restrictions on US, reports say. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/eu-travel-restrictions-intl-hnk/index.html.  
    2. Travel Weekly. (n.d.). Covid entry Rules Map. Travel Weekly. https://www.travelweekly.com/covid-entry-rules-map.

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