It’s safe to say that the year 2020 has thrown everyone for a loop thus far. Not only has it brought many uncertainties, but what we thought were our “normal everyday routines”, look significantly different nowadays. Many of us have either had to get used to working remotely or partaking in schooling virtually, and on top of that, many events including weddings, graduations, and travel plans have had to be put on hold. Though 2020 has brought on a lot of hardship, it also has taught us many lessons, and keeps reminding us not to take things for granted. For us here at Swift, we’ve all learned lessons about what measures we should all be taking when traveling from here on out.
From being patient to always expecting the unexpected, here are some important lessons 2020 has taught us about travel:
Patience is a Virtue
We’ve all been told to be patient at one point or another throughout our lives. If you plan on traveling in the near (or even distant) future, “patience is a virtue”, is going to have to become your motto. There are so many unknowns, especially when it comes to travel, and unfortunately, it’s probably going to be that way for a long time. Though many of us are used to going on trips and getting what we want, when we want it, that’s most likely not going to be the case going forward.
Hotels, airlines, restaurants, and attractions are all getting used to this new normal we’re in, and they’re still trying to figure out how to implement new rules and protocols while keeping their staff and customers safe. We all are going to have to learn to be patient in situations such as waiting in lines, waiting to get into your hotel room, or waiting to be seated at a restaurant. Everyone is still taking it one day at a time, and we have to respect that things are just going to take a little bit longer than they normally would.
Always Purchase Travel Insurance
In the past, many people thought that they didn’t need to purchase travel insurance for their trip. Well, if 2020 has taught us one thing, it’s that you ALWAYS should purchase travel insurance. This year alone, 59 million people have lost money on cancelled travel plans due to COVID-19.
While in many cases the pandemic is not covered by travel insurance, it doesn’t hurt to spend a little extra money on travel insurance when you’re booking a trip to ensure that you won’t lose all of your money in the case of an unforeseen emergency. So please, don’t risk it – buy the travel insurance. We promise, it’ll be worth it!
Expect the Unexpected
Another thing that 2020 has taught us about travel, is to expect the unexpected. Things can change in an instant and alter your travel plans without any say from you – that’s just the way the world works sometimes!
It can absolutely be stressful when your flight gets delayed, or it rains every day on what was supposed to be your perfect vacation, but those are the times where you just have to make the best out of a tough situation. As much as we’d all like to, we can’t predict everything that’s going to happen in life, and sometimes, you gotta roll with the punches.
Trust Your Gut
This year has taught us that it’s extremely important to trust your gut, because most of the time, your gut feeling is going to guide you in the right direction during tricky or unexpected situations. If you’re traveling (especially in an unfamiliar place), there will be times where you aren’t sure where to go or what areas of the city are safe to visit. Though you can usually stop and ask for directions at a nearby shop or restaurant, or use GPS on your phone, there may be times when you’ll just have to trust your instincts and decide what’s going to be the best decision for you. If you feel like something is a little off, chances are, you probably should avoid that situation all together. At the end of the day, your greatest travel asset is in fact, you!
If you have any questions on where you can purchase travel insurance or anything else travel related, please feel free to contact us. Though times have been uncertain over the course of the past few months, travel will make a comeback, and we’re excited to get you to your destination – wherever that may be!