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Gender Requirements For US Passports Changing

The information contained in this blog has changed since it was published years ago. For the most update to date information, please read this blog.


A decision made by the U.S. State Department this past week will forever change the LGBTQI+ community when it comes to travel. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, announced that United States passport holders would be able to select their gender as either male or female on their passport, without having to show proof of their assigned gender. This is a huge step in promoting equality and the right to choose for those who are gender-fluid, as well as for those who don’t identify with their gender assigned at birth.

Those who wish to select their preferred gender marker will no longer have to show documentation. In the past, passport applicants had to provide documentation (such as their birth certificate) while selecting their gender marker, and their gender marker selection had to match up with their gender assigned at birth. Now, those who no longer identify with their gender assigned at birth can make the gender marker selection that’s right for them.

Activists have been pushing for this change for years. Though it took some time to get to this point, the government is working towards making more changes in the near future, such as adding gender markers for those who are non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming persons, to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community, and those who and gender-fluid, are being treated equally and fairly.

“Most immediately, we will be updating our procedures to allow applicants to self-select their gender as “M” or “F” and will no longer require medical certification if an applicant’s self-selected gender does not match the gender on their other citizenship or identity documents. The Department has begun moving towards adding a gender marker for non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming persons applying for a passport or CRBA. We are evaluating the best approach to achieve this goal,” said Blinken.

If you would like to change the gender on your current passport or new passport, you can select your preferred gender marker while filling out your passport application. Currently, the gender marker options available to choose from include “M” or “F,” but the government is looking to expand and add on to these options as soon as possible.

If you have questions about obtaining or renewing your passport or are looking to change the gender marker on your passport, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our caring and compassionate staff is here to help answer any questions you may have. To learn more about selecting your gender marker, please visit the U.S. Department of State website. We look forward to speaking with you!

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