China Visas

10 Year China Visas Now Available

China has begun issuing 10 year visas to American business people and tourists.

This is great news for frequent travelers between the United States and China. Government officials from both countries are excited about the opportunities that this policy change will create for new business between both countries. Meanwhile, people who regularly make the long flight across the Pacific are stoked that their trips to China just got a whole lot easier.

The application process for getting a China visa hasn’t changed. If you are hoping for a China 10 year visa, you’ll fill out the same application you did before, marking the one year reentry visa option currently on the form, and if China likes you, you’ll be granted a 10 year multiple entry visa instead. If you want to give your application an extra little push, you can also write in “10 year multiple entry” on the “Other” line of the application. Ultimately though, it’s up to China to decide who will receive the 10 year visa.

For business travelers, the new 10 year business visa will allow you to enter China for up to 60 days at a time. This is a decrease from the one year visa, which allows business people to stay in China for up to 90 days. For most business trips, the 10 year visa will be sufficient, but if you ever need to go to China on business for between 60 and 90 days, you can apply for a one year visa on top of your 10 year multi-entry visa.

10 year China visas are also available for tourists. This includes anyone who regularly visits China to see family. Unlike the business visa, the 10 year multiple entry tourism visa allows Americans to stay in China for up to 90 days per trip.

Additionally, China is also now issuing five-year multiple entry student visas for American citizens. The trick with these visas is that you need to be in China in order to apply. In other words, if you’re planning to go to China to study, you’ll need to obtain a temporary tourism visa in order to get into China. Once there, you’ll be able to apply for a longer student visa.

If you have any questions about the China visa application or about the new 10 year multiple entry visas, feel free to give Swift a call anytime at 877-917-9438. As always, we offer expedited processing on China visas and can help you get your 10 year visa in a matter of days.

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