Passport & Visa Photo Guidelines
Make sure your photo is accepted by following our easy to understand guidelines.
Swift can size and print your passport and visa photos for a nominal fee of $15. Before sending your photo, please be sure to follow all of the guidelines below:
- hoto MUST be taken up against a white wall, with no obstructions such as windows, doors, brick, light fixtures, etc.
- Photo file needs to be uploaded as a .jpeg or .jpg file. Other file formats cannot be properly formatted
- Photo should be taken from mid-chest up- leaving room above the top of your head in the picture with BOTH ears showing.
- It is better for photo to be taken further back than up close
Ways for Photos to be Rejected:
- No professional “headshots”- please face forward
- Scans of photos already printed out, please do not send
- Please do not attempt to resize or format the photo in any way
- Have someone else take the picture of you; please do not send pictures you take of yourself (no selfies)
- No eye glasses